Hi there :waveboi:

My name is Austin Hay.

I am a martech and revtech operator, and currently one of the co-founders of Clarify — a next gen, AI-native CRM.

I’ve spent my whole life at the intersection of product, marketing, sales and engineering. Many people know me as the stack whisperer 🥞 I love helping technical and non-technical operators work together to use tools to solve big business problems.

At my core, I’m a builder. I’ve been one of the first team-members of 4 different startups, and helped companies grow from Seed through Series E.

Today, I’m working alongside my co-founders Patrick Thompson and Ondrej Hrebicek to try to dethrone Salesforce. It’s audacious, and a heck of a fun ride.

Subscribe to the Growth Stack Mafia newsletter

→ Take one of my classes …

:reforge-icon: Mastering Martech course on Reforge

:maven-icon: Martech foundations course on Maven (🚧)

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Revtech foundations on Maven


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:lenny-icon: Lenny’s

:gtmnow-icon: GTM Now

:humansofmartech-icon: Humans of Martech

:product-tea-icon: Product Tea


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Top Articles

:kylepoyar-icon: Growth Unhinged

:clarify-blue-icon: Clarify Manifesto

:elenaverna-icon: Elena’s Scoop


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:gmail-icon: Email me

:x-twitter-icon: Twitter

:linkedin-icon: LinkedIn


Work & Education



Side Projects


Media & Writing

I’ve been writing for the last ten years. You can find all of my writings below.


My Media & Writings


HBE Ventures

HBE Ventures is a private company I started almost a decade ago in order to consult and invest in growth, martech, revtech and systems businesses.

I’ve consulted to 20+ different companies and invested in just as many.

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HBE Ventures


Growth Stack Madia

I’m currently building out the Growth Stack Mafia newsletter. In it, I cover the latest on martech, revtech, technical systems and everything in between.

Subscribe on substack. (Doesn’t everyone have a substack now?)

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Growth Stack Mafia
